Sunday, December 7, 2008

My Runescape Usernames

Okay, so in Runescape I have made maybe 15 accounts and most got deleted, but here are the ones i remember the password to,
  1. Zippy 2u
  2. JEC Dogs
  3. Swallow me5
  4. Fatlard5050

~The snow fort PIN~

To find the snow fort pin, first you must of course log on. Then go to the plaza, and walk into the pet shop. It is on one of the cardboard boxes near the door.

Sorry, my adobe photoshop is glitching. Pictures will be on this post a little later :)

Charlie the unicorn series

I know charlie the unicorn is like... a year and a half old but i wonder if he will make a third one.

Yes! Now it is letting me get belts

I am a blue belt!

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